Dr Prerna Kohli

7 Impacts of Divorce on Children

Impact of Divorce on Children Dr Prerna Kohli India's Leading Psychologist
 Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Leading Child Psychologist

In certain marriages divorce is inevitable; hence many times parents continue to linger in an unhealthy marriage for the sake of the children, which is never good. But, Children are excellent observers. They notice and can see the underlying tension and conflict of their parents. It has a psychological impact on their well-being.

Given below are seven key impacts of divorce on children:

Reduction of Materialist Goods:

The same family income is now supporting two households, hence the disposable income is reduced and there are fewer “goodies” in the form of toys, clothes, vacations etc. The serious impact can be when reduction of income affects the nutrition of the children.


Moving to a different city, and/or school, the separation from one parent, as well as a complete disruption of the social environment, leads to behavioural changes. It generally takes 2 years for the child to readjust to the new environment.

Self Blame:

Children below the age of 9 tend to blame themselves for the divorce of their parents. Thus they, harbour an unrealistic fantasy of their parents reuniting.

Change in behaviour post-divorce:

Boys become more rebellious and aggressive, while girls become more anxious and withdrawn.


Children of divorced parents have a far greater problem adjusting to the new circumstances if the parents continue to fight. Thus, the “visiting” parent has a critical role in the wellbeing and adjusts of their child.

More Compassion:

The older sibling in divorce generally becomes more compassionate and protective towards the younger children.


Children who are exposed to domestic violence, anger, high conflict, substance abuse, appreciate the serenity and peacefulness of their family life post-divorce.

While almost all divorce involves plenty of negative feelings, many parents post-divorce make extra effort to get along with their ex-spouse for the sake of their children. It is highly recommended that the children of divorce receive counseling from an experienced psychologist to help them adjust and the accept their new circumstances.


About Dr. Prerna Kohli 

She is a 100 women Achievers Award Winner (2016) from the Honorable President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee

Dr. Prerna Kohli is a Clinical Psychologist, a Public Speaker, a Workshop Facilitator and a Holistic Practitioner. She offers Heart-based workshops and lectures that focus on Life Balance, Self-awareness and Inner Peace. Dedicated to sharing her knowledge and compassion with others, Prerna blends intuitive wisdom with solid understanding, creating a powerful holistic approach, specializing in the areas of Emotional change.

Dr. Prerna Kohli is a leading Child Psychologist in India and provides both parents and children counselling on raising healthy and well rounded children.