Dr Prerna Kohli

Stop Doing This! And Be Happy!!!

Key to Happiness - Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist
To be happy in life- Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist

To be happy in life, Stop this! Be Happy!!! I recently encountered a very interesting list of things to give up to be happy, I am sharing this list with you.

Give up the need to always be right:

Sometimes it is beneficial for yourself, and your relationships to not always be right. In society so many times you will encounter people who are so fixated on their own ideas and believe themselves to always be right.

Give up your need to always be in control:

In my private practice, I encounter individuals who always have to be in control, these can be of simple things as which movie the family has to watch, which restaurant they will dine out in. It serves no purpose.

Give up on blaming others:

It is so easy to blame others for your problems, whether it is your boss for workplace problems or parents for performance in school exams. This is counterproductive, and each one of us has to take ownership of their own actions and the consequences of those actions.

Key to Happiness - Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist
Key to Happiness – Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist
Give up yourself defeating talks:

People with low self-esteem always talking negatively to themselves, and always believing that they are incapable of doing something. This could be as simple as eating well, exercising. They are constantly putting themselves down.

Give up your limiting beliefs:

Needlessly we have self-limiting beliefs, hence these beliefs; I am not good in studies, or no one in our family has ever been in business or I am not smart enough to enter an engineering / medical college etc.

Give up complaining:

Certain people have the habit that they are always looking for perfection in life, thus they are constantly complaining about the weather, it is too hot or too cold. So, these people become constant complainers, it is neither beneficial for them, and slowly others drift away from them.

Give up criticizing others:

Gossiping and criticizing others. In my private practice, I frequently encounter couples who are constantly criticizing each other, along with other people in their family. Thus, This behavior does not lead to a productive and conducive lifestyle.

Key to Happiness - Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist
Key to Happiness – Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist
Give up the need to impress others:

Focusing your life on impressing others is a waste of your time and energy, furthermore, it doesn’t help in achieving anything else

Give up your resistance to change:

Life is about change, so every day everything is changing around you, and if you insist on not changing and evolving, you continue to live in the past.

Give up your fears:

Fears unless faced head-on, are limiting your potential and debilitating.

Give up your excuses:

Most importantly, instead of performing at peak, you are constantly finding excuses for your nonperformance.

Give up your past:

Those of us, who continue to live in the past are not able to move on. Hence, people have past grievances which prevent them from living today to the fullest.

Give up your attachments:

So many of us have unnecessary attachments with things, my car, my house, my clothes. This attachment to materialistic items is a waste of emotions and energy

Give up living your life to meet others expectations:

So many people live their life to meet the expectations of others. Hence, the expectations of society or family. Thus, in my private practice, I am frequently counselling adults who are unhappily pursuing a profession that their parents insisted them to choose.

Give up labels:

Stop labelling other people, it is unacceptable to reject a person based on their religion, the colour of their skin or their ethnicity.

In conclusion, you need to incorporate these 15 points into your life and see yourself become happier.

Key to Happiness - Dr Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist
Key to Happiness – Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist

More About Dr. Prerna Kohli


About Dr. Prerna Kohli

Dr. Kohli believes that “You can talk with a close friend or relative about what’s troubling you, but it’s not the same as a professionally-trained experienced psychologist who knows exactly what kind of help you need.”

She is a 100 women Achievers Award Winner (2016) from the Honorable President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee.

Dr. Prerna Kohli is a Clinical Psychologist, a Public Speaker, a Workshop Facilitator and a Holistic Practitioner. She offers Heart-based workshops and lectures that focus on Life Balance, Self-awareness, and Inner Peace. She is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and compassion with others. Prerna blends intuitive wisdom with a solid understanding. And creating a powerful holistic approach, specializing in the areas of Emotional change.

Dr. Prerna Kohli is a leading Psychologist in India. With over 20 years of experience and has been providing families, individuals, parents and children counseling on being happy.