Dr Prerna Kohli

Accepting Yourself

In today’s time, the emphasis on body image and skin color has increased. We see gyms opening up in every corner, and advertisement focusing on making the skin fairer. Everywhere we see, we are told that our body is not perfect or our skin should be fairer. The constant bombardment of these adverts can make anyone feel insecure about themselves. Hence, leading to different mental health issues like bulimia or anorexia, or depression. But here we give you advice how you accepting yourself.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Accepting Your Body Image and Color and Loving Yourself
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Accepting Your Body Image and Color and Loving Yourself

It’s very important for anyone to learn to accept their body. The fight between the body and self becomes daunting for the person. The acceptance towards one’s body is fogged under the illusion of looking better. Big companies promote themselves by attacking one’s self-image. A lot of teenagers and even adults lose their self-confidence.

Thus, below are ways to understand and accept the self-image:

Making the Decision:

It’s very important to take the first step and make the decision. Positive thinking should be the first step. Along with it, it is important to understand that you are beautiful no matter how you look. Telling yourself every day that you are beautiful the way you are, helps you. Thus, making a decision for the acceptance of the body is the first step. The positive thoughts delete the negative ones which are fed to us for ages.

Dressing for Yourself:

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Accepting Your Body Image and Color and Loving Yourself
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Accepting Your Body Image and Color and Loving Yourself

We always have a tendency to dress for others. When going to a party our first thought is what would XYZ think when they look at us. In between those thoughts, one forgets to dress for themselves. We always tend to think that we will look good in the dress if we shed some weight or gain some muscles or look a shade whiter. But, we forget that we have to dress for ourselves. Wearing the dress, you are saving for the future will boost your confidence. It will help you improve your confidence.

Accept the Compliments:

We have reduced some weight, or cut our hair or etc. Then, someone compliments on the thing. Our tendency is always to find the negative in the compliment or dismiss the compliment. We console ourselves by saying that we are being humble, but in reality, we are not accepting the compliment. Hence, it is important to accept the compliment. It’s ok if someone is complimenting on your progress or on yourself, you should accept it.

Being Positive:

In the run of improving our body image or our insecurities and jealousy; we tend to bad mouth the other person. We feel negative, that’s why we tend to see the negative in others. It becomes very difficult for us to give a compliment to someone. Thus, it is important for you to compliment others. It brings positivity and acceptance towards yourself. Giving out compliments to others will make you feel happy and confident.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Accepting Your Body Image and Color and Loving Yourself
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Accepting Your Body Image and Color and Loving Yourself


Hence, as mentioned above, most people live for the future. They enter a vicious circle of going to the future rather than living in the present. Thus, it is important to live in the present. Also, know that we have to fight a long period of negativity, hence it will take time to accept. But, it is possible to accept yourself and be happy.

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