Dr Prerna Kohli

Tips to Handle Pre Exam Stress

As the board exams, the competitive exams come close, the level of stress increases. Students try to sleep but, there is a lack of sleep. Sometimes, the stress becomes too much which causes a lot of anxiety. Even though there is a need for certain levels of stress, too much or too low of anything is bad. here we talk about some tips to Handle Pre Exam Stress.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Tips to Handle Pre-Exam Stress
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Tips to Handle Pre-Exam Stress

Hence, below are few tips on how to handle Pre-Exam- Stress:

Start Early:

The early bird gets the worm. Similarly, starting to study early reduces the level of stress. Even though it is a difficult task for many students to start early, but it is one of the best ways to beat the stress.


Organizing yourself is one of the best things one can do. Thus, maintaining a timetable will help you to be focused. Also, it will help you determine your long-term and short-term goals. It gives you an overview on how to do things while helping you focus.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Tips to Handle Pre-Exam Stress
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Tips to Handle Pre-Exam Stress

Talking About it:

Sometimes, the stress and anxiety get out of hand. In this situation, it is best to talk to someone. Talking about it not only reduces stress but, it also helps you distinguish between rational and irrational thoughts.


The power of visualization helps. If you focus and visualize towards your success, it will help you relax. Visualization helps in boosting one’s confidence. Also, it helps in reducing stress. If you are focused on your vision, it boosts your confidence.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Tips to Handle Pre-Exam Stress
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Tips to Handle Pre-Exam Stress

Don’t Forget to Relax:

It’s very important to keep relaxation in your time-table. Relaxing techniques and proper sleep helps the mind to remove the extra stress. It reduces the levels of anxiety and helps the person to focus. Relaxation works as a rejuvenating agent.

Don’t Depend on Caffeine:

Many students and even adults rely on caffeine too much. They actually take a lot of caffeine too keep themselves awake. But, in reality, the caffeine doesn’t help them in remembering. It increases the mental stimulus which then can result in extreme levels of anxiety.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Tips to Handle Pre-Exam Stress
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Tips to Handle Pre-Exam Stress


Lastly, as the old saying goes, ‘practice makes a man perfect’. Similarly, it’s very important to practice every day. Practicing everyday will help you remember, as well as relax. So, when you sit for your paper, you are actually focused and relaxed.


In conclusion, the stress created by exams is more external than internal. But, if you follow these tips, they can actually help you fight pre-exam stress. But, if you or someone you know is showing extreme amounts of stress or anxiety, then please visit a professional near you.

To Learn more about Dr. Prerna Kohli