Dr Prerna Kohli

Sending Negative E-Mails

We can’t always send out positive e-mails. Sometimes, we send negative e-mails also it is necessary to be harsh, to send out feedbacks. It may be an email to an employee or an investor. Where you want to lay off someone or disagree with someone. Hence, it becomes a necessity.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Sending out Negative E-mails
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Sending out Negative E-mails

We all know that even simple words over a phone conversation can be misinterpreted. Thus, sending out a negative email can cause immense anxiety to the person who is receiving the mail. A person who is already suffering from a mental health issue might lose days of sleep.

Hence below is the “how to” guide on sending a negative e-mail:

Something Friendly:

Once you are done with the salutation, it’s always good to start with something friendly. It will create a conservative tone and intrigue a conversation. It can be; “How are you?”, “How was your weekend?” etc.


Even if you are laying off someone, you should thank them for their work. A simple “Thank You” can ease up the mind make the person feel appreciated for the work they have done. Directly dwelling on what is wrong in their work can make any person feel anxious.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Sending out Negative E-mails
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Sending out Negative E-mails

Something Positive:

It might feel like going around in circles, but it is important. The person must have done something positive throughout their tenure. Hence, it is important that you point out their strengths and boost up their positive sentiment. It then eases up the conversation and keeps them calm while reading the rest of the e-mail.

The Body:

In the body of the e-mail, you can present your criticism, or feedback, or laying off. But, along with it, you should mention the reason, and how the person can correct these for future purposes. Simply writing that you are “fired” or “I disagree”, will make the person feel unappreciated. Thus, it is important that along with the feedback, you should present your thinking.

Avoid making direct comments, instead, try to elaborate on things. It’s better to limit yourself to things which can point out the detailed instructions. If the person is being laid off for various reasons, it’s better to give in bullet points, and along with it give the reason. If you do this, then the person will feel appreciated and feel valued.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Sending out Negative E-mails
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Sending out Negative E-mails


Always end with asking if you can clarify anything or any doubts. It sends out a positive message that you care about the person. It brings a closure to the email and also it sends out the message to the person that you are willing to listen to them. If you just end with the criticism, it will leave a negative impact on the person.

Then end the email with a nice sign-off. Which can be, “Best Regards”, “All the Best for Your Future”, etc.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Sending out Negative E-mails
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Sending out Negative E-Mails


There is a right time for sending out any kind of email. If you start sending out emails in the middle of the night, then it can cause anxiety and panic. It’s better to send the email in the morning when the person has woken up. It gives a message of consideration and makes it easier for the person to process.

Following the above simple method, can make it easier to send out negative emails. Thus, making it better for the person to process and accept the feedback.

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