Dr Prerna Kohli

Handling Your Child’s Aggressive Behaviour

As human beings, we all have feelings of aggression in us. But, as adults, we know how to control our behaviour and manage the aggression. However, a child doesn’t understand how to channelize their aggressive behaviour. Hence, they start to indulge in activities like hitting, biting, kicking etc. As a parent of the child, it becomes a duty, to make the child understand how to express these behaviours in a positive manner.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Handling a Child's Aggressive Behaviour
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Handling a Child’s Aggressive Behaviour

Thus, below are few tips for parents who have an aggressive child:

Set Limits:

One of the most important factors is setting rules and limits. It’s always a good option to set the limits for a child and let all who take care of the child know about these limits. If the child indulges in kicking or biting, they should understand that this behaviour is wrong along with why this behaviour is wrong.

Different Channels to Express:

A child doesn’t know how to deal with anger. Hence, it is our duty to make them understand about different ways of expression. Anger can be expressed through words; this message needs to be conveyed. Also, the positive behaviour of the child should be praised. They should be exposed to environments where they see a fight being resolved peacefully.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Handling a Child's Aggressive Behaviour
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Handling a Child’s Aggressive Behaviour

Teach about Self Control:

A child doesn’t know or even understand about self-control. The parent should teach the child about self-control. Through a parent, the child can easily modulate their feelings and understand about self-control. Hence, through self-control, they will understand to think before they act.

Don’t encourage Toughness:

Many families, especially for the boy child, encourage the “tough” behaviour. Hence, the child starts to act violently and indulge in kicking and biting to win their parent’s approval.

Don’t Hit the Child:

Most importantly, don’t hit the child. Many parents start hitting their child because they feel that it will correct their behaviour. Instead, the child learns from this behaviour and understands that it’s ok to act violently towards others if they don’t like their behaviour. Hence, avoid corporal punishment under any circumstances.

Control Yourself:

Usually, children learn from parents. If you can’t control your own aggressive behaviour then they will also be not able to. Hence, it is important for you to express your anger in reasonable ways.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Handling a Child's Aggressive Behaviour
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist on Handling a Child’s Aggressive Behaviour

Aggression in children is an expression of self, and the parents should understand what they are trying to say through their anger. But sometimes, their anger seems uncontrollable. In those cases, it is advisable to visit  child psychologist to understand the child’s behaviour.

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