Dr Prerna Kohli

Social Media Addiction: How much is too much?

            Addiction to anything refers to an inability to control one’s impulses and as a result, compulsively indulging in the behavior under question in excessive amounts, to the extent that it causes disruption in one’s daily life functioning. Whether social media addiction can be considered a separate mental disorder, be considered a part of a pre-existing diagnostic category, or not be considered a disorder at all is still debatable.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Social Media Addiction
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Social Media Addiction
How many of us check our Facebook or Instagram as the first thing we do in the morning?  Do you feel the urge to keep checking your social media accounts, every few minutes? Do you keep going back to your posts to see how many likes and comments it has received? On the face of it, social media addiction may just seem like a bad habit. However, seeing the rising incidence and intensity with which people engage in this habit is a clear sign that it has become much more than just a bad habit.
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Social Media Addiction
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Social Media Addiction

It is difficult to determine the point at which likeness for an activity changes into a habit, then to an unhealthy habit, and then crosses over the line to become an addiction that adversely affects a person’s life. Some signs that you may be addicted to social media are as given below:

  • Being preoccupied with thoughts about the various social media platforms that you are on. Furthermore, thinking how you will use them to attract people’s attention.

    Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Social Media Addiction
    Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Social Media Addiction
  • Feeling the urge to share everything happening in your life instantly on social media.
  • Feeling the compulsion to keep checking others’ updates and views, likes, and comments on your posts.
  • Using social media as a psychological escape from your problems.
  • Being physically present but mentally engaged in social media, even when among people.
  • Failure to complete the tasks set for the day due to being preoccupied and distracted by social media.
  • Preferring online interactions and avoiding or fearing face-to-face interactions. This negatively affects your real life relationships since you spend more time online, rather than face-to-face interactions.

Research has found a link between excessive use of social media and poor mental health.

We all use social media, but what is it that makes some more prone than the rest to become addicted to it?

Risk Factors

  • Suffering from anxiety disorder or depression.
  • Experiencing too much stress, so using social media to decompress.
  • Having poor social skills.
  • Feeling you do not fit-in among the people around you.

Managing your Addiction

  • Set aside certain times of the day for using social media. Create a schedule; do not use it beyond that.
  • Switch off all notifications.
  • Engage in alternate forms of communication, such as face-to-face interactions.

Learn more about Dr. Prerna Kohli