Dr Prerna Kohli

Depression: It is Real!

We have recently lost two very famous celebrities, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, to suicide. Similarly, we have lost many famous people who committed suicide including Robbin Williams and Chester Bennington. This shows the severity of the illness, which is ignored by many and shrugged by others. Depression. It is real and takes away everything from us.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist tells About Depression and Its Reality
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist tells About Depression and Its Reality

Most of the people are aware of what depression is, yet we are ready to ignore what is lost. Sometimes, it comes hidden inside our smiles, and sometimes behind the silence. We become aware and unaware at the same time and close our eyes and wish it will go away. But, it doesn’t. We wish for riches, we wish for fame, for love but even when we receive them we are not able to grab hold of the happiness we wish for.

Depression comes in various forms and it engulfs us.

Few of the common symptoms of depression are:

Lack/Excess of Sleep:

A person who is suffering from depression will start exhibiting insomnia or hypersomnia. That is, the person will not be able to sleep at all or, will be sleeping too much.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist tells About Depression and Its Reality
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist tells About Depression and Its Reality

Loss of Interest:

The person will lose interest in all the activities he/she loved to do. Hence, the person will not be able to take interest or pleasure in the activities they used to love.

Change in Appetite:

Depression takes away everything, including our desire to eat. Or, in the other extreme, we start eating too much. Thus, gaining or losing a lot of weight.


There is a constant irritability with-in the person. The person is not able to understand what is exactly happening with them. Hence, when someone starts questioning them they start becoming irritable. They are not able to handle all the questions inside them. They will start crying without reason or start getting angry.

Thoughts of Suicide and Death:

The thoughts of the person keep revolving around suicide and death. They become obsessed with those thoughts, and even in some cases they even try and commit suicide. They feel that there is no need for their existence.

The above symptoms should not be overlooked.

The person is maybe trying to say something, we need to be there to listen to the person.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist tells About Depression and Its Reality
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist tells About Depression and Its Reality

In today’s time, we are indulged in social media and news of someone passing away affect minds and provides the extra push everyone is looking for. It is noted that after the suicide of Robin Williams, the suicide rate increased to 50% more. We need to understand that suicide is not the solution.

Also, suicide is not easy. It takes a lot of courage, it drains out all the energy of the person to just make one decision. But, as mentioned it should never be the answer.

We need to start taking steps, start acknowledging. Depression doesn’t look if you have money or fame or anything. It needs to be de-stigmatized. It is something we need not run away from, but something we need to acknowledge. A simple question, “how are you?” or “are you fine?” may do wonders for many. It doesn’t matter if the person is posting 100 photos on Instagram every day or appearing on TV shows or movies, it can be anyone.

In today’s fast-paced life, we have put on so many masks. Waiting. For someone to take off those masks. Be the person to remove those masks, provide help and if need, ask for help or seek help. Thus, if you or someone you know is suffering from depression, please seek professional help immediately. Remove the stigma. Win the Fight against Depression!

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