Dr Prerna Kohli

Its almost 2019

New Year marks the beginning of not just another year, but a chance to build a new you. Most of us make promises to ourselves each year, but do we always fulfil the same?

Dr Prerna Kohli India's Top Psychologist explains how to plan a new year resolution
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist explains how to plan a new year resolution

Most of the resolutions go down swinging. People are unable to keep up with their plans for more than 1 or 2 months. A few reasons a resolution fails are:

• The resolution is unclear.
• Your resolution lacks a proper plan to achieve the target.
• You tag along with a friend’s idea, which focuses on their goals, not yours.
• You overestimate your capabilities.
• The resolution does not relate to your on-going scenario.

This time it doesn’t have to be the case. Here are ways to make things work for you this time:

Make a clear-cut goal

It is easier to achieve a target when it not ambiguous. Make a specific goal. For example, if you plan to lose weight, specify whether its 5 Kilograms or 10 Kilograms that you wish to get rid of.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist explains how to plan a new year resolution
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist explains how to plan a new year resolution

The goal should be determinable

In order to know where you are, you should formulate a goal which can be measured. You can make note of the progress in some kind of journals, mobile application, etc. In fact, reinforcing your progress keeps you motivated.

An Attainable Goal

It is favourable to make a goal which you can actually achieve. Take one step at a time. When we set goals which may get out of our reach to fulfil, we tend to get discouraged and disheartened. This may lead to lower self-esteem and even affect your relationships with the people around you.

An Appropriate Goal

Set a goal, which is suitable for your circumstances and adds value to your life. Be in the right state of mind while you take a decision. Do not just get carried away at the moment just because so many people around you are doing the same.

Set a time-limit

Setting a time-bound goal is as important as considering any other factor. This provides you clarity about the timeline you have to accomplish the goal. Focusing on small achievements can make you look at overall progress, over the time.

Life doesn’t change 180 degrees, by getting up one day and randomly deciding to do something. You don’t just need a plan, but you need to be prepared for the hurdles that come along the way.
New Year can be a reason to leave behind the bad habits in the past. Keep a positive approach. And in case you miss the goal, be gentle and start fresh!

Know more about Dr Prerna Kohli

Read more about New Year Resolutions