Dr Prerna Kohli

Why Anger Management is Important

We are aware of the fact that it is better to deal with situations well in advance which may later create problems and lead to maladjustment. This fact is equally applicable to anger. Managing anger is important for an individual because it more likely impairs sound judgment, damages interpersonal relationships, blocks achievement and success and also creates a negative impact on the way people see you.

 3 benefits of anger management :

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist Explains the importance of Controling your Anger
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist Explains the importance of Controling your Anger

Anger management can help us in having sound physical health. A high level of anger state leads to continuous stress and tension which has an adverse effect on our physical health. Anger management can help us in preventing heart diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, insomnia, and high blood pressure by strengthening our immune system.

Anger management can help us in having positive mental health. Studies reveal that chronic anger consumes a large amount of our mental energy and blocks the rationale thinking which may further lead to impaired judgment. Where in, anger management is a positive way which can help us focusing, making choices, concentrating, looking at facts and figures, see the bigger picture, and enjoy life. Thus, it helps us in preventing psychological disorders like depression, hypertension and other mental health problems.

Anger management can help us in having positive interpersonal relationships. Explosive anger leads to conflicts, differences, hatred, and lack of trust amongst individuals. Anger management helps in the outlet of the emotion in a constructive way which can create a positive and healthy interpersonal relationship anywhere (at home, at the workplace, amongst friends and so on).

If you find that, despite putting the anger management techniques into practice, you are unable to handle the situation, you need external help! In conclusion, when your Anger interferes with your day to day life, you need to consult with an experienced Psychologist.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist Explains the importance of Controling your Anger
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist Explains the importance of Controling your Anger

To learn more about Dr. Prerna Kohli click here

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