Dr Prerna Kohli

7 Tips on Coming Out of the Closet

Human sexuality is one of the most complicated and confusing emotion that exists.  Individuals can be heterosexual, bi-sexual homosexual or asexual. Society accepts and condones of heterosexuality and accepts it as the norm.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist explains Coming out of the closet
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist explains Coming out of the closet

Unfortunately, there is a significant amount of resistance and apathy towards homosexuality.  If you feel that you are a homosexual, i.e. you are attracted to and desire to have sexual relations with people of the same gender as yourself, it is an indication of being a homosexual.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist explains Coming out of the closet
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist explains Coming out of the closet

Below are 7 tips on coming out as a Lesbian, Gay or Bi

1.  Don’t feel pressured: Your sexuality and your sexual preference is a very personal issue. You are under no obligation to anyone to feel under any kind of pressure to declare your sexual preferences to anyone.

2. Don’t choose between your religion and your sexuality: Almost all religions are unaccepting of Lesbians, Gay or Bisexuality.  It is your relationship with God that is important, and not what your religious leaders proclaim about sexuality. Seek out a group within your religious belief that supports your sexual preferences.

3. Read About Others: Before you come out (of the closet) read how others have come out. Gauge from other people’s experiences and route for declaring their sexuality.

Don’t throw caution to the wind!

4. Tell One Person: Before you tell the world, tell one trusted person. Tell someone who is close to you, a friend, a relative, a parent. Once you have told one person, you will feel so much better and then at your pace inform others who matter to you.

5. Forget stereotypes: Media, television and movies portray being Gay, Bi, or a Lesbian as an extremely one-dimensional character.  Being Gay doesn’t change who you are. Your sexuality is only one part of who you are. Your sexuality in no way limits what you can and will achieve in life.

6. Think about the positives: Once you accept your sexuality and start to live your lifestyle of choice a number of positives open up. You are no longer obligated to live a life of a lie. You will know who is close to you and appreciates and accepts who you truly are.

7. Give people time: Not everyone will jump and accept your sexuality. Parents, friends, relatives, colleagues at work will need time to accept and process your sexuality. Give them time and space to accept who you really are.

You are Who You Are

Once you come out of the closet, you will be amazed at how liberating and freeing it feels.  Each individual will have a different experience and for everyone, the journey of coming out may not be easy.  Just remain focused on the fact that you are doing the right thing for yourself.  You are permitting yourself to lead the life that God and nature wanted you too.

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