Dr Prerna Kohli

Benefits of Couples Therapy and How to Choose the Right Therapist

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Couples therapy, also referred to as couples counselling, is a type of therapy designed to assist couples in resolving disputes, enhancing communication, and fortifying their bond. It entails working with a certified therapist who focuses on assisting couples to overcome obstacles and strengthen their bond.

An intimate relationship has a significant impact on one’s mental and physical health. When a couple’s relationship functions well it can provide the joy of sharing life’s journey and be a source of great support to manage life’s stresses. A disturbed and conflicted relationship can cause a lot of loneliness, anguish, and suffering.

Distress in romantic relationships and divorce is widespread. The divorce rate is the most obvious, reliable indicator of hardship. Along with divorce, many relationships go through periods of intense conflict that put the partners at risk for the emergence of psychological disorders. In a survey the most frequently cited causes of acute emotional distress were couple relationship problems. Representative surveys show a moderate to strong association between relationship distress and common psychological disorders in the spouses – notably depression, anxiety disorders, and drug and alcohol abuse.

Relationship distress is also associated with poor work performance and research indicates that two-thirds of clients seeking assistance with workplace-related concerns from employee assistance programs cite family problems as considerable or severe. Conflict in couple relationships, in particular, is associated with poor physical health. The partners in distressed relationships do not live as long, reporting more health problems and using health services substantially more than people in satisfying relationships.

Couple relationship distress and impact are not limited to the adult partners. Studies consistently link unhappy marriage relationships to unfavourable parent-child interactions. Parents in unhappy marital relationships are more inclined to use harsh, abusive, and inconsistent parenting techniques than parents in happy relationships. They are also less likely to engage in positive parenting strategies like support and acceptance along with appropriate and consistent discipline. Children raised by parents who share a mutually satisfying relationship are benefitted on many dimensions, such as psychological adjustment and school attainment. Relationship distress is among the most frequent primary or secondary concerns reported by individuals seeking assistance from mental health professionals.

Research indicates that couple therapy can produce statistically and clinically significant reductions in relationship distress. Couple therapy can address those individual concerns because couple relationship distress is strongly linked to individual’s physical and psychological well-being.

Couples therapy demands a great degree of openness and trust therefore, it is crucial to find a therapist who both spouses feel at ease with. When meeting with a potential therapist, finding out how they approach couples therapy and what strategies they use can be helpful. Some therapists might take a more psychodynamic stance, while others would place more emphasis on communication skills. Finding a therapist whose approach is acceptable to both parties is essential. The right therapist is objective and nonjudgmental and will be able to assist both spouses in understanding their contribution to the relationship issues without picking sides or assigning blame. Finally, it is critical to choose a counsellor who is dedicated to assisting both spouses in realizing their objectives.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]