Married or in a relationship, you will face issues with your Significant Other (SO). Here are seven issues that most couples face and the best way to tackle them.
As a couple you are maturing:
The relationship that you had a few weeks ago, a few months ago or a few years ago is no longer the relationship that you have today. With each passing day, your relationship matures and changes. You need to appreciate that change is inevitable and continue to love each other regardless.

Address issues when they occur:
Don’t allow issues to fester but address them as and when they occur. If it bothers you that he doesn’t put down the toilet seat, or it bothers you that she doesn’t screw on the cap on the toothpaste tube then you need to talk about these issues. Address the issues when they happen instead of piling them up.
Use “I” instead of “you” when you have a disagreement:
Every healthy relationship will have disagreements, but for the argument to be healthy use “I” instead of you. So instead of saying “you were mean to me” say “I was hurt when you said that”.

You have to be the change that you want to see in a relationship:
As Gandhi Ji said “be the change you want to see in the world”, in this case in your relationship. You can’t control their behavior but you can control your own.
Relationships are not always equal:
There is a belief that for a relationship to be successful it has to be fifty-fifty. There will be occasions when your partner needs you 100%, be there for them. Remember this is temporary only.
Be open:
Couples often play the passive-aggressive role. They don’t express their feels, needs or desires and then are upset when their needs are not fulfilled. Be expressive about what you need.
You can divorce yourself from the situation:
If a situation or activity doesn’t give you joy, you are free to avoid it. If you don’t enjoy meeting your in-laws, don’t prevent your spouse from meeting his or her family. Simply excuse yourself from such situations.
No one relationship is perfect, but you can make it the best possible with a little bit of effort.
To learn more about Dr. Prerna Kohli
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