Dr Prerna Kohli

Is Divorce the Only Solution?

Dr Prerna Kohli India's Top Psychologist guidance on Divorce
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist guidance on Divorce

Making Your Marriage Work

When there is a true commitment in the pair to make their marriage work, marital problems can be used as a harbinger for building a stronger marital relationship. Rather than lead to a divorce. Each person has their own breaking point and whether we like it or not, it takes both partners to sustain a marriage. A breaking point could be that you stop caring about what your partner does or says. Such events indicate to an individual that it’s time to call it an end.

Just looking at the ill effects of divorce should make us keep a safe distance from the idea, unless of course if staying is more harmful like in the cases of abuse. There is an emotional drain followed by legal hassles, financial losses and extreme stress due to the various processes and steps of divorce. It goes without saying that children take the biggest hit in the process. They will need a lot of emotional support through the process and also well into their adulthood to make sure that they live a healthier and happier life. It also affects families on either side, friends and social circles.

Dr Prerna Kohli India's Top Psychologist guidance on Divorce
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist guidance on Divorce

Problems Leading To Divorce

It now makes sense to look at the major factors which lead to this situation. Also, be wary to avoid falling into those pits. Here are few common marital problems that often lead to divorce:

Communication: Communication and friendship are keys to a great marriage and friendship can never happen when communication lacks.

Quality time: Disconnected lives and demanding careers fuel this issue. It is important to accept that spending quality time together sparks the passion and love in a marriage and keeps it fresh.

Intimacy: Intimacy is not just about sex, cuddling or kissing but it can also be experienced by holding each other’s hands and doing household/cooking chores together.

Money: The problem is not about having less money or more money but having different ideas on how much is needed and never reaching a common ground or due to unwise earning and spending habits.

Respect: There are no replacements to the good old trust, respect and confidence you show in each other when it comes to maintaining a happy relationship. Patience and tolerance add to the benefits.

Dr Prerna Kohli India's Top Psychologist guidance on Divorce
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist guidance on Divorce

What then, are the solutions? Here are a few:

  • Remove the word ‘divorce’ off of your solutions list
  • Find the origins of the problems
  • Seek the support of friends and family in resolving issues
  • Seek professional counseling if the necessity is felt
  • Mistakes happen, and nobody is perfect.
  • Talk about your needs, thoughts, feelings, and emotions to your partner
  • Spend more quality time together
  • Change the negatives into positives through mutual communication, respect, and compromise

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