Dr Prerna Kohli

Seven Foods That Help Fight Depression

It is a well-known fact that there is a direct connection between the body and the mind. The body gets hurt and the mind reacts. Similarly, when the mind is hurt, the body reacts. Thus, when someone is suffering from depression, the body starts to wear down, and sleep starts to evade. But, it is not a fight to be won just with medicines, or therapy. Hence, it is important to use all the resources available to us to fight depression.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Seven Foods that help Fight Depression
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Seven Foods that help Fight Depression

One of the biggest resource available to us is food. It is understandable that, when someone is suffering from depression, the hunger fades away. But, it is important to keep your body energized with proper nutrients. Also, proper well-balanced food can actually help fight depression.

Thus, below are seven foods that help fight depression:

1. Yoghurt:

Yoghurt helps in elevating the mood. It directly affects the gut, and the gut has a direct connection with the brain. Hence, yoghurt with probiotics helps release serotonin, which helps fight depression. Thus, adding yoghurt to your meals can help you elevate your mood.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Seven Foods that help Fight Depression
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Seven Foods that help Fight Depression

2. Cashew Nuts:

Cashew nuts are high in magnesium, and magnesium helps in mood elevation. Low magnesium in the body increases the chances of depression. Hence, adding cashew nuts in your daily diet will help you fight depression.

3. Broccoli:

Broccoli contains many nutrients and nutritional benefits. It is the only vegetable which provides more nutrients than any kind of meat. Also, it is the only vegetable which contains the highest amount of chromium. Chromium helps in the release of serotonin and norepinephrine, the two chemicals which most of the anti-depressants contains.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Seven Foods that help Fight Depression
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Seven Foods that help Fight Depression

4. Carrots:

We have all heard that carrots help with better eye-sight. But, it is a very less known fact that carrots also help elevate mood. Carrots contain a nutrient known as lutein, which is an antioxidant. Thus, lutein helps in elevate mood and even control the waistline.

5. Spinach:

One of the most nutrient filled vegetable is spinach. We have all seen in the cartoon, “Popeye the Sailorman” how spinach provides him with an immense amount of strength. Similarly, it provides you with an immense amount of strength to fight depression as it is filled with lutein, fibre, Vitamin A and K, and many more. All these nutrients have a direct relationship with brain and elevating mood.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Seven Foods that help Fight Depression
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Seven Foods that help Fight Depression

6. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are full of folic acid and alpha lipoic acid which are one of the strongest fighters of depression. Presence of folic acid helps prevents the secretion of chemicals which causes depression. Hence, adding tomatoes to your diet will help you elevate your mood and generally make you feel happy.

7. Apple:

Lastly, we have all heard the phrase, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”. This same line goes for depression. An apple contains high levels of anti-oxidants which if taken with other foods mentioned above can help you elevate your mood.

While eating food, there is one thing we actually skip out on.

So, apart from these seven foods, there is one additional tip below:

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Seven Foods that help Fight Depression
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about Seven Foods that help Fight Depression


Usually, people forget to drink the required amount of water to regulate the purities and impurities within the body. Hence, water becomes the most important drink in fighting depression. Beverages which contain soda or sweeteners increase the intensity of depression, as it increases the levels of sugar inside the body. Hence, being rehydrated with water keeps your body healthy and helps you control your mood.

Filling your diet with proper nutrients and right levels of protein can help in the fight with depression. But, along with proper food intake, it is also necessary to take proper treatment. Hence, if you or someone you know is suffering from depression, please visit a mental health professional immediately.

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