Dr Prerna Kohli

7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage

Marriage is a bond, not just between two human beings, but their families also. But, it is not always a good experience throughout. It sometimes has its ups and sometimes its downs. But, to actually identify an unhappy marriage is difficult. It becomes more difficult to know when your marriage has turned unhappy when you have been married for too long.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about 7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about 7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage

Hence, below are 7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage

1. No Sharing With Each Other:

When two people are living together but do not have anything to share with each other, then it is the first sign. But, it is possible that the two people have reached a level of understanding that they can enjoy the silence together. A couple who have been married for a very long time can reach the level of understanding. But, when there is love-lessness in the atmosphere and the silence is awkward, then it becomes a warning sign.

2. No Common Interest Left:

When two people start growing apart from each other, their common interests starts fading away. Earlier, they used to enjoy doing at least one thing together. But, when the common interests aren’t there, then the marriage has turned unhappy. Even they have been married for years, there will be still one fun thing to do, to keep the fun alive in a marriage filled with love.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about 7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about 7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage

3. Emotional Affairs:

When living with a spouse, your partner becomes your ear. You are able to share anything and everything with him/her. Talking to him/her makes you feel happy and comforting. But, when you are not able to do so, and find comfort in sharing your innermost and deepest thoughts with others, then it is a warning sign. Thus, in an unhappy marriage, you will not be willing to share your secrets with your spouse and will find comfort in someone other while sharing.

4. Don’t Have any Complaints:

It’s very rare that two people living together don’t have any complaints from each other. These couples have a deeper understanding of what their partner is doing and what are their positives and negatives. But, if you are living in a marriage, where you have a lot of complaints but are unwilling to say them to your spouse, then it is another warning sign. Hence, if you feel like complaining is a waste of breath or time, then it is probably because the marriage is unhappy.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about 7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about 7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage

5. Frequently Disrespecting each other:

In a loveless marriage, the frequency of arguments increases a lot. The couple starts disrespecting each other by name calling, curse words or purposeful words which will hurt the other person. Sometimes, it also takes the turn of domestic violence, when different things are thrown each other, or one of them hits the others.

6. Lack of Trust:

When living in an unhappy marriage, you stop trusting your spouse completely. Trust is one of the basic foundations of marriage. If you or your partner start questioning and doubting each other, then you are actually living in an unhappy marriage.

Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about 7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage
Dr Prerna Kohli India’s Top Psychologist Talks about 7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage

7. Drinking or Drug Use:

When people are in an unhappy marriage, they often tend to “drown” their feelings with alcohol, cigarettes, or other kinds of drugs. Thus, helping them to escape the reality and even facing their spouse. If this behaviour is sudden, and without any reason then it might be possible that it is because of an unhappy marriage.

Living in an unhappy marriage can lead to various mental health issues, including depression, anxiety or panic attacks. If you think or you know about someone who is living in an unhappy marriage, then please consult with a marriage counsellor immediately.

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