Dr Prerna Kohli

Building Mental Strength

Building Mental Strength - Dr Prerna Kohli, India's Leading Psychologist
Building Mental Strength – Dr Prerna Kohli, India’s Leading Psychologist

We all want to Build Mental Strength. It is a well-established fact that mentally strong people are more successful. We all want to be more successful, whether it is to have more money, better relationships, more success in the workplace etc. Given below are sure shot tricks to Building Mental Strength, which is the first step on your journey to being more successful.

Building Mental Strength - Dr Prerna Kohli, India's Leading Psychologist
Building Mental Strength – Dr Prerna Kohli, India’s Leading Psychologist

Set reasonable goals and follow through with them:

When you set goals for yourself, don’t make them humongous, but set smaller more achievable goals. Instead of saying that I will walk 10 KM today, and then fail and disappoint yourself, make an achievable goal, that I will walk 1 KM today. Achieve the goal, and celebrate it. Tomorrow slowly increase the distance, and over a period of time meet your goal of walking 10 KMs

Make yourself strong against negativity:

Remove negative people from your life, create a distance between yourself and them. Interact with them less and less. Setup your mental mindset to ignore negative people, negative thoughts, and negative instances in life.

Building Mental Strength - Dr Prerna Kohli, India's Leading Psychologist
Building Mental Strength – Dr Prerna Kohli, India’s Leading Psychologist

Use positive self-talk to build your mental and emotional strength:

Always talk to yourself positively, never negative talk to yourself. Never tell you self that you are incapable of doing something. Always coach yourself positively and give yourself positive and uplifting motivation and messages.

Learn to stay calm under pressure:

If you are living the ECG of your life will be up and down, when it is down and there is pressure in your life. Learn to stay calm, the negative time will pass, and don’t even for a split second believe that if you get excited and don’t remain calm it will not happen. You need to build your ability to stay calm when you are under pressure.

Building Mental Strength - Dr Prerna Kohli, India's Leading Psychologist
Building Mental Strength – Dr Prerna Kohli, India’s Leading Psychologist

Let go of the little things:

Don’t sweat the little stuff, learn to let go of the small stuff. People carry grudges for far too long. This is certainly not helping you, learn to let go of your anger and move forward.

Change your perspective:

Tough as this sounds, it is very doable, you need to change your perspective in life. In life there is nothing “right” or “wrong” (except in very rare cases). You need to change your perspective and change your mindset from “blame” to “ownership”. Don’t blame others for your problems, but take ownership of how you will be responsible for your own actions.

Have a positive outlook:

Having a positive outlook and attitude is half the battle won. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. Live your life day by day and each day, start your day with a positive attitude, trying to get better and more mentally strong.

Unfortunately, people have a very wrong opinion that Mental Strength is something you either have or you haven’t. I am complete disagreement with this statement, in my extensive experience as a Psychologist, I have learned that Mental Strength is just another skill that can be learned by anyone.

Building Mental Strength - Dr Prerna Kohli, India's Leading Psychologist
Building Mental Strength – Dr Prerna Kohli, India’s Leading Psychologist

More about Dr. Prerna Kohli

About Dr. Prerna Kohli
Dr. Kohli believes that “You can talk with a close friend or relative about what’s troubling you, but it’s not the same as a professionally-trained experienced psychologist who knows exactly what kind of help you need.”
She is a 100 women Achievers Award Winner (2016) from the Honorable President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee.
Dr. Prerna Kohli is a Clinical Psychologist, a Public Speaker, a Workshop Facilitator and a Holistic Practitioner. She offers Heart-based workshops and lectures that focus on Life Balance, Self-awareness, and Inner Peace. Dedicated to sharing her knowledge and compassion with others, Prerna blends intuitive wisdom with a solid understanding, creating a powerful holistic approach, specializing in the areas of Emotional change.
Dr. Prerna Kohli is a leading Psychologist in India with over 20 years of experience and has been providing families, individuals, parents and children counseling on being happy.