Behavioral Problems Counselling Dr. Prerna Kohli – India’s Leading Psychologist
Firstly, Attention deficit, Separation anxiety, depression, and anxiety are some of the disorders among others suffered mainly by children. If these problems are not tackled during the childhood period they can lead to more serious and chronic disorders when the child moves into adulthood.
– Separation Anxiety Disorder
– Attention Deficit Disorder
– Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
– Oppositional Defiant Disorder
– Conduct Disorder
– Depression
– Extremely Aggressive behaviour
– Suicidal behaviour
– Poor body image
– Extreme Antisocial Behavior
COURTESY: Toddler Tantrums
Behavioral Problems Counselling Dr. Prerna Kohli – India’s Leading PsychologistSeparation Anxiety Disorder
At first, Separation Anxiety Disorder is characterized as children showing excessive anxiety at being separated from their parents or caretakers, being left alone in a room or going to school. Thus, to prevent separation children may fuss, throw tantrums or cry excessively.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
In Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder children show inattentive behaviour, together with, difficulty in concentrating, restlessness and inability in completing tasks. Hence, children showing symptoms of ADHD come as disobedient children.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
In this case, children display an age-inappropriate amount of stubbornness, irritability, defiant behaviour. Also, they show disobedience and behave in a hostile manner.
Conduct Disorder
Children indulge in age-inappropriate actions and behaviours that violate societal and family expectations. Also, they show aggressive behaviour that threatens or harm people, animal, and property.
Hence, if you or someone you know is suffering from Behavioral Issues, please consult an experienced psychologist at the earliest possible.