Dr Prerna Kohli


Behind the Facade: The Emotional Neglect of Privileged Children

While a privileged upbringing often implies a life free from troubles, many neglect the emotional challenges faced by children from...

Is Divorce Among Senior Citizens Rising in India? Changing Trends and Reasons

Divorce rates in India are on the rise, and this trend extends even to senior citizens. Traditionally, societal pressure and...

Betrayed But Not Broken: Why Some Wives Stay With Cheating Husbands

Betrayed But Not Broken: Why Some Wives Stay With Cheating Husbands Marriage, a cornerstone of society, emphasizes commitment and togetherness...

Unlocking Potential: Vitamin B12’s Surprising Impact on Mental Wellbeing

Vitamin B12: Essential for Mental and Cognitive Wellbeing In today’s demanding world, prioritizing mental health is crucial. We manage work...

“Mastering the Mind: Harnessing the power of Vagus Nerve for enhanced Cognition “

In today’s rapidly evolving and high-demand society characterized by constant technological advancements and ever-changing trends, where stress is the new...

Unveiling the Legacy: Childhood Emotional Neglect

“Unveiling the Legacy: The Lifelong Impact of Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) on Adult Mental Health   Have you ever wondered...

Emotional Toll: Addressing Counselor Burnout

Emotional Toll: Addressing Counselor Burnout In nearly every profession, on-the-job stressors are inevitable, and the signs of job burnout are...

Building a Strong Marriage: Communication, Trust, and More

Thinking about getting married? Marriage is a legal commitment between two partners, often involving a long-term relationship and shared finances...

How to rebuild trust after a breach in marriage?

One of the pillars of marriage is trust. Breach of trust in the marriage can be in the form of...


Long-lasting relationships require effective communication.   Even in the midst of a conflict, people are more likely to establish common...

Navigating Cultural Differences in a Cross-Cultural Relationship

Cross-cultural relationships can be a wonderful opportunity to learn from and grow with someone from a different cultural background. Nevertheless...

The impact of stress on relationships and how to manage it

Are you facing difficulty in your relationship? Do you feel disappointed with your partner and wish to quit? If so...

10 signs that your relationship is unhealthy and how to address it

“In human relationships, distance is not measured in miles but in affection. Two people can be right next to each...


Infertility occurs when a couple is unable to conceive despite engaging in regular, unprotected sexual activity for at least a...

Benefits of Couples Therapy and How to Choose the Right Therapist

Couples therapy, also referred to as couples counselling, is a type of therapy designed to assist couples in resolving disputes...

Why it’s important to make time for date nights in a marriage

You are making a decision that will last a lifetime when you decide to get married. You’ve decided to spend...

How to Maintain Intimacy in a Long Term Relationship or Marriage

Imagine a relationship without a fight, an argument, a disagreement, or an unresolved issue. That’s the goal, isn’t it? The...

Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Schools

Children and Mental Health i.e. The importance of Mental Health Awareness in Schools It’s never too early to start...

Importance Of Mental Health In Our Daily Life

Mental Health and It’s Importance Mental health is essential because it affects our overall well-being and quality of life...

तनाव: अच्छा होता है या बुरा?

तनाव शरीर की स्वभाविक प्रक्रिया है। कभी-कभी शरीर को सामंजस्य बिठाने के लिए खुद में बदलाव करने पड़ते हैं, जिससे...

Warning signs of mental illness in children

Even if you can notice the red flags, it is difficult to distinguish between warning signs of trouble and normal...

Porn: Effects on Teens

Adolescents curiosity about sexuality is normal and a healthy aspect development of human development and the human brain is very...

Porn Addiction: Aspects of Therapy

Just like alcoholism, there is no cure for porn addiction but only recovery. It is a continuous process that requires...

Coronavirus: Staying Calm In A Crisis

A rapidly spreading virus that is previously unknown to our understanding is bound to create panic. But in a situation...

Pornography Addiction: Signs and Symptoms

Pornography seizes your brain’s reward circuit and it weakens your brain’s ability to exercise willpower over your addiction to porn...

Can Pornography Be an Addiction?

Porn itself is not bad, rather, it is a matter of preference. Nevertheless, how you engage with it, can be...

Seasonal Affective Disorder: DIY

Noticing the symptoms for the seasonal affective disorder before it goes on to become a full-blown problem is proven to...

उदासीनता और अवसाद के बीच क्या फर्क है?

उदासीनता और अवसाद दोनों एक-दूसरे से अलग हैं। हालांकि इनके बीच फर्क करना काफी मुश्किल है। यदि कोई लंबे समय...

दोस्ती के मनोवैज्ञानिक फायदे

‘दोस्त वे रिश्तेदार होते हैं, जिन्हें आप अपने लिए चुनते हैं।’ यूस्टैश डेस्चैम्प  क्या कभी आपने उपरोक्त पंक्ति पर ध्यान दिया है। क्या कभी...

Dealing with A Family Rift

Relationships are complex, let alone when you work together and are under the constant scrutiny of media. We all are...

A Few Words about Depression Therapy for Couples

Depression can significantly impact all aspects of life, be it work, social, or close relationships. In the case of close...

Fear and Phobia

While both fear and phobia share similar symptoms, understanding the difference between fear and phobia is vital because they are...

New Year’s Resolutions for Mental Health & Well-being

As the new year approaches, everybody starts to develop resolutions for the coming year and make the coming year better...

Seasonal Affective Depression

Winter! The days become shorter, sunlight goes scant, and in front of the television we hide in our quilts all...

Learning Disabilities in Children

In spite of average or above average intelligence and adequate schooling, some children lag behind in their academic skill acquisition...

Stress: Good or Bad?

Stress is a normal response that our body has to change that requires adjustment and is a normal part of...

How to Tell Difference Between Sadness and Depression

It is difficult to tell the difference between sadness and depression. We often confuse the two because we associate depression...

Difference Between Worry and Anxiety

Worry and Anxiety are words people use interchangeably but both are different psychological states and how we experience them is...

Golden Teachings of Guru Nanak Ji for Well-Being

The birth of Guru Nanak Ji, the founding guru of Sikhism is magnificently celebrated all over the world not just...

Preparing for Your First Therapy Session

Planning on your first therapy session? Awesome! It is normal to feel anxious about starting therapy or counseling. Starting anything...

Consequences of Untreated Anxiety

Anxiety, in layman terms, is physical unease. It often related to the future or anticipating impending doom in the future...

Diwali: A festival of togetherness

The autumn festival of lights and conviviality arrive again! Diwali is at the leading edge of Hindu festivals. It is...

First Therapy Session?

Therapy is the big step in the direction of recovery but it can be scary, especially when you don’t know...

7 Ways to Help Children with Depression

As a parent, you prepare yourselves for every problem your child might face, small or big. That encompasses taking care...

World Mental Health Day 2019

Mental health interprets the degree of a person’s psychological, social and emotional wellness. It affects our thoughts, behaviour and emotions...

Identifying Depression in Children

Depression in children is a persistent and regressive condition, which accumulate over time. Hence, it is vital to identify and...

Parent’s role in bullying prevention

Bullying can take the form of verbal abuses, physical assault, derisive comments, teasing and ganging up against a child or...

Children of Angry Parents

“Your children don’t deserve your anger, hurt or pain. Instead shower them with love, compassion and empathy. Think of them...

Niksen: The Art of Doing Nothing

Niksen is an increasingly popular Dutch relaxation technique, it’s is a form of mental rest from day to day stress...

Rebuilding Relationship After an Anger outburst

No relationship is ever broken unless you give up. Rebuilding a relationship is not easy after an Anger Outburst. You...

Road Rage: Dealing with it in your daily life

Road rage is a result of poor anger management skills. Anger management is both educational and therapeutic contributing leading to...

Sex v/s Intimacy

“Intimacy is the freedom and acceptance to be yourself with that “one” person! Psychologist Dr. Prerna Kohli People always confuse...

Psychology of Drowning a BMW. Overindulgence?

The news is reporting a story about a young man who pushed his BMW into the river. His reason for drowning the luxury car was that he had asked his parents for a Jaguar, and instead, they had given...


Dark chocolate is a powerful source of antioxidant in the body helping improve inflammatory properties, which have been shown to play a role in the onset of depression. How dark chocolate helps lessen...

Psychology of stealing from Hotel rooms

You have spent a hefty amount of money on a hotel room. It's equipped with some awesome artwork, artifacts, hairdryers, and other nice things. They are there for you to use and enjoy during your stay...

Rest In Peace VG Siddhartha

Rest In Peace VG Siddhartha. A business icon, the founder of Coffee Cafe Day (CCD) was a powerhouse of energy and success. A billionaire many times over Siddhartha was an entrepreneur, a risk-taker...

Four pillars of Successful Marriage.

What is Marriage? Marriage is nothing but the union of two individuals who have decided to share their lives with each other, support in good/bad situations until the rest of their lives...


Gratitude is an act of kindness recognized by some treasured by others and appreciated by all. In layman terms, gratitude can be defined as being thankful and grateful for what one receives...

Video Game addicted child?

Online gaming disorder is a serious Mental Health situation. Often parents are seen worrying about their children who cut off themselves from daily life, school, studies, eating food, playing...

Gay Child?

When a parent for the first time learns that their child whether son or daughter is a homosexual, they go through 4 different stages of grief and pain and finally and hopefully the fifth stage of...

7 Tips on Coming Out of the Closet

Human sexuality is one of the most complicated and confusing emotion that exists. Individuals can be heterosexual, bi-sexual homosexual or asexual. Society accepts and condones of heterosexuality and...

7 More ways to deal with Anxiety

On a daily basis, patients come to the clinic who are suffering from Anxiety. The question is what is anxiety?...

Cheating Husband?

If you suspect that your husband is cheating, what are your options? In over 25 years of counseling, I have...

Is Your Husband Bisexual?

Either your husband or boyfriend confessed to you, or by some other means you found out that he is a...

7 Signs that your Husband or Boy Friend is a Homosexual

The Kinsey Scale also is known as the Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale. The scale goes from Zero to Six, where zero...

Understanding Your Child’s Need

Parents have the major responsibility of inculcating in children discipline, healthy competitiveness, striving for excellence. Learning all about the rights...

7 Psychological Benefits of Friendship

“Friends are relatives you make for yourself.” ― Eustache Deschamps If you think about this quote for a moment, let...

7 More Relationship Tips

In continuation to the previous article, here are seven more tips that will help improve your relationship with your partner...

7 Relationship Tips

Married or in a relationship, you will face issues with your Significant Other (SO). Here are seven issues that most...

7 More signs of Mental Illness

Very frequently a change in behavior is an indication of mental illness. If you or a loved one shows these...

Seven Signs of Mental Illness

Occasionally we are unsure that our loved ones are suffering from a mental illness. It becomes difficult to ask them...

Is Smoking a Mental Health Issue?

Not surprisingly half of all the cigarettes consumed are by those who are suffering from some type of mental health...

Letting go of anger

Anger is an emotion, and emotions are meant to be short-lived. Excitement, fear, sadness, surprise, irritation- all are emotions that...

Why Anger Management is Important

We are aware of the fact that it is better to deal with situations well in advance which may later...

Learn to Manage Your Anger

What is Anger Anger is one of the basic emotions found amongst all individuals in any part of the world...

Depression Counseling for Cancer Patient

What happens when you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer? Worldwide, every year over 20 million (two crore)...

Control Your Anger!

Angry birds is not just an animation game, but a lot of us are angry birds in our real lives...

Stop Smoking Now!

So you have finally made a decision to stop puffing, but you don’t know how. Your loved ones, be it...

How to Stop Smoking?

Every smoker wants to stop smoking. And they should stop smoking. Smoking not only destroys your wealth but also your...

Smoking Leads To A Painful Death

People continue to smoke knowingly. Knowing that smoking is damaging their health and wallet. The consequence of smoking to your...

7 Reason why one gets addicted to smoking

We all know that smoking is not good for one’s health, but then why do people continue to smoke? Why...

7 Tips to build positive relationships

Homo Sapiens are created in a way that we co-exist in sync with each other. And we feel happy, healthy...

11 habits to follow to follow to have a better life

There is this credence that it takes 21 days to make or break a new habit. When it comes to...

7 Tips to Achieve Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy but don’t know how to achieve happiness. Following these seven simple tips will help you...

Choosing happiness and not a victim mindset!

Life is not always a bowl full of cherries. Sometimes, things don’t go as per our expectations. We immediately feel...

How to parent a child with mental illness

From the minute a mother conceives a baby and months later when she holds her newborn in her arms, her...

Its almost 2019

New Year marks the beginning of not just another year, but a chance to build a new you. Most of...

Munchausen syndrome by proxy

A history of child abuser, not only affects a child emotionally but also the development of the brain. The child...

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

A hot water bottle, craving for chocolate and coffee and that unending stomach cramps! Most of the girls can relate...


The word Psychosis elucidates a condition where the patient loses touch with actuality. He may hear or see things which...

Ketogenic Diet and Mental Health Benefits

The ketogenic diet has become one of the most sought-after dietary regimes in the world of health. And Kim Kardashian...

Easing the Burden of Care

How the Easing the Burden of Care When someone is ill, be it mentally or physically it becomes very difficult...

Chocolate and Mental Health

From being a comfort food to a delicious snack, eating chocolate has many roles. Want to satisfy a sweet tooth...

Aftermath of Sexual Assault

Who knew that a simple 2-word hashtag will take the world by storm? Yes, we are talking about the #MeToo...

Proteins enhance mental health!

Remember what we learnt about proteins in school? They are the building blocks of life! From head to toe, our...

Mental Health Benefits of Hazelnut

A fist full of nuts in the morning is considered to be a good start to the day. A lot...


Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder. It is the fear of public places. The person is afraid to step out of...

Illness Anxiety Disorder (IAD)

Illness Anxiety Disorder (IAD), also called Hypochondria or health anxiety is a condition where the person believes that he has...

How to take care of a patient with Schizophrenia

Dealing with a loved one who is struggling with Schizophrenia is not easy. As the caretaker, you are overwhelmed with...

Cherophobia: Fear of Happiness

“And they lived happily ever after…” This was always the end of most of the childhood stories we heard. From...

7 tips On Managing a Narcissist

Most of us have come across people who are full of themselves. They think rather highly of themselves and make...

Tips to Stay Strong During Tough Times

Hard times can come to anybody. It can be disguised as a financial crisis, or a failure in an exam...

Tips to Handle a Bully Teacher

Most of the teachers your child meets are good or even excellent. But, there are few teachers who will try...

7 Tips on How to Cope up after the Divorce

A marriage is made up of dreams and aspirations of two people. But, it is not always necessary that two...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

What are the Personality Disorders? You would be suffering from a Personality Disorder if you have unhealthy and rigid patterns...

Inside Telepathy

Telepathy is a phenomenon under the broad Umbrella term of Extrasensory Perception(ESP) as defined in Parapsychology. Clairvoyance, clairaudience,  are similar...

About Autism Spectrum

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) happens because of a neurobiological dysfunction. The symptoms of ASD start showing up when...

Somatoform Disorder: The Pressing Pain

Sometimes it happens with all of us that we start feeling headaches but when we get it checked, we do...

Stuttering and its Impact

Stuttering is a  childhood-onset disorder of speech in which the person repeats sounds, words, syllables, takes time to utter a...

Myths about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Like all mental illnesses, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) contains myths and disbelief. But, it is more common for people suffering...

Importance of Counselling During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the first and foremost step for women entering motherhood. She realises that she is carrying someone inside her...

Mental Health Benefits of Drawing & Painting

Drawing, painting and other artistic experiences give us an opportunity to let our imagination loose. They provide with the opportunity...

7 Ways to Improve Your Relationships

Living in a happy relationship doesn’t mean that there is no scope for improvement. Also, the relationship doesn’t only mean...

7 Signs to make A Healthy Marriage

No marriage is perfect, but it takes special work to reach to a healthy and happy married life. A happy...

How Therapy Works

Most people have doubts how therapy works, and how it actually helps. We all have our fantasies and imaginations about...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can happen to adults as well as children. The amount of trauma experienced by an adult...

Back to School After Holidays

It is always very difficult to go back to school after a long break. Most of the times, the breaks...

About Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

After any traumatic event, it is normal to experience upsetting memories, trouble sleeping or doing daily activities. These feelings take...

7 Ways on How to Become a Better Parent

Being a parent is a hectic task but, it is something which comes as a responsibility for them. Many of...

Tips for Mental Wellness

There is a lot of stress in our daily life. This stress starts affecting our mental wellbeing. Thus, leading to...

Reducing Alzheimer Risk

We have all seen the movie Black, where Amitabh Bachchan acts as a professor who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease...

7 Tips on How to Become a Better Father

Blessed are those children who have an active and participative father. After the mother, the father’s role is the most...

Depression: It is Real!

We have recently lost two very famous celebrities, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, to suicide. Similarly, we have lost many...

Tips on Controlling Binge Eating Disorder

Emotional eating or binge eating disorder is one of the most common yet unnoticed illness. It is more prevalent in...

7-Tips to Deal with Holiday Homework Stress

In most of the cases, Students of any age group, look forward to one thing and that is Holidays. Be...

Kleptomania – The Unstoppable Desire to Steal!

Sometimes we have witnessed people, either in television or real life, where people are stealing things. The things the person...

Ways to Help Someone Overcome Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction affects both personal and professional lives of people. It hinders with the person’s family as well as friends...

7 Ways to Cope After a Break-up

Falling in love or entering into a relationship is a beautiful experience in itself. But, it hurts a lot when...

Tips on What to Say to a Sexual Abuse Victim

Opening up about going through sexual abuse as a child or as an adult is very difficult. But, if someone...

About: Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome or RLS is a very common neurological disorder of the leg. A lot of people happen to...

7 Tips if You are Suffering from Schizophrenia Illness

Fighting schizophrenia illness is difficult in itself. It is a very serious illness, and it requires immediate treatment. But, along...

About Schizophrenia

We have all heard the term, “Schizophrenia”, but few of us really know about this illness. Schizophrenia is a very...

7 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage

Marriage is a bond, not just between two human beings, but their families also. But, it is not always a...

Seven Foods That Help Fight Depression

It is a well-known fact that there is a direct connection between the body and the mind. The body gets...

Anger Management Techniques

From time to time, we all get angry at someone or something. Anger is one of the basic human emotion...

Seven Ways to Cope If You Were Sexually Abused as a Child

The trauma one goes through when they are abused as a child remains prevalent for a lifetime. Most of the...

Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

In a world statistical survey, it is seen that one in three girls and one in seven boys are sexually...

12 Tips to Fall Asleep Faster

Adequate sleep is a prerequisite for one to function optimally. Inadequate sleep not only has an adverse impact on one’s...

Talking to Your Kids about Sexual Harassment

There is a certain innocence with children, which helps them to understand things in a different way. Even when they...

7 Signs you have Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder that involves trouble with falling asleep or staying asleep. We all have days when we...

Coping with the Death of a Co-worker

We spend almost more than half of our day with our co-workers. For some, their co-workers are like friends. We...

Helping your Child Cope with the Death of a Parent

The death of a parent can be a big blow to a child. It can completely shatter their belief about...

Helping your Children Cope with the Death of a Grandparent

For children, the death of their grandparent is often the first exposure they have to the idea of mortality. Therefore...

7 Benefits of Art Therapy

Art therapy is a modern form of therapy.  It replaces the traditional therapy model by making use of imaginative structures...

Coping up with Grief

Feeling sad is very common. We all feel it on a regular basis. But grief is an intense emotion that...

How to Overcome Your Stage Fright?

When preparing to go on stage to perform, we all have butterflies in our stomach. While for some, the thrill...

Talking to Children about Suicide

When someone you know dies of committing a suicide, it can be one of the scariest and upsetting experiences of...

8 Reasons Why You Should Get a Pet

Benefits of owning a pet are coming to the forefront, as more and more research is being dedicated to this...

Social Media Addiction: How much is too much?

            Addiction to anything refers to an inability to control one’s impulses and as a result...

Seven Signs that Your Daughter-In-Law is a Bully

Bully Daughter-in-law? Yes, it is possible that your son’s dear wife is bully. Hence, it is your misfortune that you...

Difference between Empathy and Sympathy

Although incorrectly, empathy and sympathy are two distinct words that people often end up confusing and using interchangeably. Both the...

What is the Effects of Childhood Bullying

Incidents like an older, taller boy troubling the shorter boy of his class or a junior by snatching away his...

Ways Music Helps with Mental Health Issues

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain!” ~Bob Marley No matter what your emotional...

Types of Eating Disorders

What is an eating disorder? Unlike the popular notion, eating disorders are not a form of extreme dieting or a...

15 Tips to Control Procrastination

Do you end up pushing your work to the extent that you have a pile of work to do at...

Tips to Increase Memory

How well you are able to grasp, retain and remember things depends on how healthy your brain is. Follow the...

Relaxation Exercises

Our bodies respond not just emotionally, but also physically in response to the daily life stressors that we face. While...

About Bipolar Disorder

Do you feel extremely happy on some days, but extremely sad on other days? Are these shifts in your mood...

Steps to Stop a Panic Attack

Panic attacks are common when someone has anxiety issues. When a panic attack happens, the person starts to feel that...

Tips to Increase your Child’s Emotional Quotient (EQ)

Along with Intelligence Quotient (IQ), it’s very important to develop your child’s Emotional Quotient (EQ) too.  It’s proven that children...

6 Ways to Appear More Intelligent

Everyone wants to be more intelligent. All of us want to charm our bosses and peers by appearing more intelligent...

Helping Your Child Deal with Depression

Someone who is suffering from depression goes through a very difficult time. But, it gets more difficult when the person...

Tips to help Reduce Anxiety

It is okay to be anxious sometimes when things get out of control. A certain level of stress and anxiety...

Identifying Depression in Children

In today’s time, with technology and social media, the level of human interaction is decreasing. Even in a parent-child relationship...

Handling Your Child’s Aggressive Behaviour

As human beings, we all have feelings of aggression in us. But, as adults, we know how to control our...

Signs of a Psychopath

We have all heard the term psychopaths in TV shows or movies. When the word springs up, our first association...

Psychological Benefits of Playing Holi

Holi, the festival of colors, is just around the corner. It channelizes our emotions and expresses our feelings through colors...

Sending Negative E-Mails

We can’t always send out positive e-mails. Sometimes, we send negative e-mails also it is necessary to be harsh, to...

Signs of Selfie Addiction

Clicking selfies is a new form of art in today’s generation. Every selfie should get a like on all the...

About Post-Partum Depression

Giving birth to a child is a wonderful experience. It feels like there has been an extension of you. But...

Tips to Handle Pre Exam Stress

As the board exams, the competitive exams come close, the level of stress increases. Students try to sleep but, there...

Tips to Get Better Sleep When Suffering from Depression

It’s very natural to feel sad from time to time. It’s a part of our human nature, and to feel...

Dr. Prerna Kohli in Indian Express Book: Corporate Psychology

If you need Psychologist counselling click here To Learn more about Dr. Prerna Kohli. Post Views: 494...

What to do If your Friend or Family Member is Suicidal?

Losing someone who is dear to you, be it a friend or family member, is a very traumatizing experience. People...

Ways to Help a Friend or Family Member Overcome Depression

More than 60% people in India suffer from depression. Depression is a very common disease among all the age groups...

Accepting Yourself

In today’s time, the emphasis on body image and skin color has increased. We see gyms opening up in every...

About Depersonalization Disorder

Depersonalization is a very uncommon disorder which happens to a very few people. Hence, many psychologists don’t understand or even...

India: Republic Day

What you can do for your country On the upcoming Indian Republic Day, I am reminded of what John F...

Dr. Prerna Kohli: Coping Up With Loss

Grieving over a loss becomes the expression of the self. It presents the way a person pays respect to the...

Me too – A guide on coping with sexual harassment

#MeToo. An Important Topic being openly discussed Sexual harassment is, unfortunately, a common occurrence in the workplace and community at...

Age smarter: The guide to a razor sharp memory

Ageing smarter Since long, it was often believed that our sharpness decreases as we age. This couldn’t be more further...

Boost your brain despite aging

Protecting Your Brain As You Age The most dreaded consequence of aging is mental slow-down and this is becoming more...

Arrange your way Towards Love

OMG Arranged Marriage! Before immediately judging the concept of ‘arranged marriage’ as dinosaur era ideology, it makes sense to take...

Assuring Children in Times of Tragedy

Calming Children During Tragedies  In the last week, there have been several major tragedies in schools, including the murder of...

How to Manage a Suicidal Crisis

Suicidal Crisis A crisis situation immediately demands that you seek help from a mental health professional. Whatever be the source...

Ways to Shine Bright in Life

Shining Bright in Life Life can get pretty rough at times. We all share that predicament. Hence, there will be...

Blue Whale – Gaming gone wrong: Self-Harm Culture

Blue Whale is an internet game which is claiming lives Most of us heard about it already. For the uninitiated...

How to Celebrate Life: Why is important to celebrate life

Life has a lot to offer. We sure agree that there are task-lists to get done, meetings to attend and...

Life is a precious gift

Life is to be Live! Strife and distress are not exclusive to places like Syria or North Korea. We face...

Whom should you see? Psychologist or a Psychiatrist

Mental Health Concern – Whom to See When you have mental health concerns and problems dealing with everyday life, you...

Relationship Problems & Resolving them

Every Relationship has problems Relationships help us live some of our most beautiful memories and at the same time, we...

Over-coming Heartbreak

Heartbreaks Hurt Deeply Heartbreaks hurt deeply and give a hard pull on the strings that we grew attached to. Hence...

Is Divorce the Only Solution?

Making Your Marriage Work When there is a true commitment in the pair to make their marriage work, marital problems...

Role of Grandparents Raising Children

The Role of Grandparents The number of nuclear families is at an all-time high with the sprawling urban culture in...

Children Raised by Maids: Good or Bad?

Who is a Good Mother? Globalization has forever changed the notion and role of a ‘good mother’. Prior to the...

Mental Health Issues in India

Mental Illness will affect one in four people in the world One of the targets from the United Nations in...

Quick tips on Managing Anxiety

Anxiety VS Stress First of all, one needs to understand how anxiety is different from stress. In general, the term...

How to Manage Stress

What is Stress First of all, the term stress first coined by Hans Selye in 1936. Furthermore, Stress can be...

Healthy Living Tips

Healthy Living Tips: Frequently, I have to counsel my patients on how to live a healthy lifestyle. Given below are...

Fitness Motivation: Exercise not dream for your body

Fitness Motivation: Everyone dreams and desires to have a fit, muscular body.  The only difference between those who have this...

Becoming Sexier: A Man’s Guide!

Becoming sexier: Ever since the dawn of mankind, men have wanted to appear more appealing so as to be able...

Becoming Handsome: Every man can become mohandsome!

Becoming Handsome – There’s a handsome guy hiding inside every man’s body. I recently had an extremely successful young man...

Mothers Love: Celebrating Mother’s Day!

Mothers Love: Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t...

Bipolar Treatment: Manic Depressive Psychosis

  Bipolar Treatment: Every one has ups and downs; this is the nature of being a human being. Sometimes a...

Becoming Attractive: How to become more attractive

It is a well-known fact that attractive people earn more, are more successful, have more friends, and have more of...

Positive Mind: Training your mind to see the good in all things

Positive Mind Benefits: It is important to train your mind to be positive. The benefits of a positive mind are...

Expressing Love towards your loved ones!

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”~ Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu, the...

Living with Compassion

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” Dalai Lama Compassion is the motivation to help...

Stop Doing This! And Be Happy!!!

To be happy in life, Stop this! Be Happy!!! I recently encountered a very interesting list of things to give...

Living with someone Suffering from Depression?

Living with someone suffering from Depression? Firstly what is depression? In a layman’s terms, depression is a strong feeling of...

Emotional Eating – what and whatnot to do

Seeking solace in food at the weak moments in life is referred to as Emotional Eating. Thus, People turn towards...

Traveling Boosts Mental Health

First and foremost, it is a well-kept secret that Traveling Boosts Mental Health. When someone is feeling low, anxious or...

IQ vs EQ: Intelligence Quotient (IQ) & Emotional Quotient (EQ)

IQ vs EQ? What is the difference between IQ and EQ? Is IQ better than EQ? There are so many...

Building Mental Strength

We all want to Build Mental Strength. It is a well-established fact that mentally strong people are more successful. We...

Loving Your Partner

Loving Your Partner is an ongoing activity, it is simple to fall out of love, but we must continuously endeavor to...

Traits of Successful People!

We all want to be successful and there is nothing wrong with this; in fact, it is rare to find...

Things Mentally Strong People Do!

As a psychologist, I have noticed that certain people are more successful than others in their journey of life… What...

Parental Exam Tips

Parental Exam Tips: Exam Tips for parents; with final exams around the corner, below are some tips for parents to...

Stress Free Exams

Here are a few simple guidelines for having Stress Free Exams. To manage exam stress the student should do the...

Examination Pressure vs Stress

A lot of students get confused between Examination Pressure vs Stress. Both parents and students need to understand and appreciate...

Stress During Exams Season

As a parent of a school going child, there will be Stress During Exams Season. Either your child will be...

Blame Game – Social Media During Exams – Students!

Students and young adults spend significant number of hours on their smart-phones to access social media platforms such as Facebook...

De-stressing Exam Day

With exams around the corner, students are wondering on how to reduce their examination day stress.  Here are a few...

Some Qualities For Your Ideal Marriage Partner

To the single person, the life of a married couple seems ideal. The married person always has a companion, someone...

Teens Sex Education

If you have waited till your child is a teenager to discuss sex and sex education with them, it is...

Preteen Sex Education

Talking to your preteen about sex is an important responsibility as a parent.  The advice in this article will cover...

आवश्यक है हर माता-पिता का अपने बच्चों से यह बातें कहना

बच्चों की परवरिश  आसान  कार्य नही है,और कुछ ऐसी बातें हैं जो हर बच्चे का अपने बचपन में सुनना अनिवार्य...

Educating Your Toddler about Sexual Abuse

The unfortunate reality is that young children irrespective of the social and economic strata of the parents are vulnerable to...

Sex Education for Toddlers

As the parents of a Toddlers (0-36 months), there are so many challenges that thinking about sex education is the...

Disciplining Children

Everyone of us has encountered parents with young children who misbehave in public places.  At restaurants, these children are running...

10 Motivational Tips for Students

It is the season of examinations, school and college students and their families are preparing for this annual ritual.  While...

Things Every Child Needs to Hear

First of all, raising a child isn’t easy, and there are Things Every Child Needs to Hear. Unfortunately, no manual...

Raising Teenagers

One of the most profound pieces I have recently read about Raising Teenagers  is:  Teenagers Learn What They Live!  If...

New Year Resolutions

A lot of people make New Year Resolutions. Hence, it is estimated that almost 40% of the population makes resolutions...

Treatments for Depression

Fortunately there is treatment for Depression, unfortunately there isn’t one set formula which is applicable for all of those who...

Depression is curable!

Frequently, I am asked if there is any cure for depression without the intervention of a doctor. Fortunately, depression is...

Common Causes of Depression

Depression is a serious but common illness that impacts the way you feel, how you think and how you behave...

Prayers For Happiness

When I think of a group prayer the first image that comes to my mind is of Muslim men kneeling...

How to Forgive yourself

To be truly happy, you need to forgive yourself. Hence, A person who doesn’t forgive themselves continues to live in...

Forgiveness Counseling allows one to live happier

The book “A course in Miracles” devotes an entire lesson on forgiveness.  A Course in Miracles is one of the...


Change is Sudden Everybody is concerned about the overnight action making high value currency invalid across India. Nobody saw it...

What is self harm in teenagers?

Cutting, is also know as self harm, or self injury, it is an intentional injury to oneself without the intention...

7 Steps if your Teenager is Doing Drugs

What are drugs? A drug is any substance other than food, that when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a...

7 Signs that Your Teenager is Doing Drugs

The first thing to remember is, that there are multiple reasons why your teenager may experiment and subsequently get addicted...

7 Reasons why Your Teenager is Doing Drugs

One of the biggest fears of any parent is if their teenager falls into the trap of doing drugs.so firstly...

Baking for Happiness

Baking is a known stress buster, and it leads to happiness. Kneading the dough, measuring the sugar and the milk...

Gratitude is the Healthiest of All Human Emotions

What makes you happy? Having fun? Spending time with friends? Delicious food? Making Money? Your emotions is very important and...

7 Psychological Benefits Of Celebrating Diwali

We are aware of the religious significance of celebrating Diwali.   Diwali is a celebration of the return of Ram, his...

Attitude of Gratitude

We keep hearing about the Attitude of Gratitude, but what does it mean, and what is an Attitude of Gratitude?...

7 Ways to Decide if someone is Faking Depression

First of all, people fake depression because it allows them to gain sympathy, compliments, pity, attention and many other monetary...

Lacking Intimacy?

When it comes to talking about sex we often shy away, but it is important that we give importance to...

7 Ways to Enjoy Diwali More

A lot of times, people don’t know how to fully enjoy festivals. Instead of enjoying the festival season they wallow...

Happiness through your Stomach

The gut leads to happiness, young and old are rushing to acquire a six pack. Apparently, a six-pack abdomen today...

Depression During Diwali

Diwali, as we all know is the Hindu festival of lights, it occurs during the months of October and November...

7 Reasons Why your Child is performing Poorly in School

As parents we expect our children to perform brilliantly in school. But most of child  not doing well in school...

Coping with the Death of Your Child

A common management term is FIFO, which means First In, First Out. This term simply means that the item which...

Spousal Death Depression

When your spouse dies your life changes immensely. Thus, you are in a state of mourning and grieving feeling the...

7 Signs that you are suffering from Depression

Every human being from time to time will feel low; it is important to be able to distinguish between depression...

Nourishing Ayurveda Supplements

There are six Ayurveda supplements that I have introduced into my diet over the last several years, and I find...

7 Signs that your mother-in-law is a Bully

Bully Mother-in-Law? There is a probability that your husband’s beloved mother is a bully. Unfortunately, if this is the case...

7 Signs that your Spouse is a Bully

Children who are bullies often grow up to be adults who are bullies. Unfortunately, spouses who are bullies make marriage...

7 Signs that Your Boss is a Bully

Whoever thought that bullying was a childhood problem and as children grow up to be adults bullying ends, was extremely...

7 Things to do, if your Child is being Bullied

  As a parent, your first instinct upon learning that your child is being bullied is going to be paternal where...

7 Signs that your child is being bullied

Bullying in society is a menace, and as a parent, it is important to monitor and recognize if your child...

Ubuntu your way to Happiness!

Ubuntu for Happiness! “Ubuntu is a philosophy that considers the success of the group above that of the individual.” Stephen...

7 Ways to find out if your Child is a Bully

Bullying is an unacceptable behaviour among children.if your Child is a Bully, we have solution.  Thus, Bullying is the use...

7 Ways to be More Empathetic

In this day to day hustle of life, we tend to ignore other people around us or be dismissive about...

7 Ways to overcome the Fear of Social Interactions

Social anxiety /social interaction is the fear of being in public places, to worry about what people will think of...

7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Heights

Some people suffer from the irrational fear of heights. Technically it is called Acrophobia, it is an irrational fear or...

7 Tips to overcome the Fear of Flying

Does it worry you that a metal tube, filled with highly inflammable fuel and hundreds of people is hurling through...

Hakuna Matata – The Key to Happiness

 Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata, ain’t no passing craze It means no worries for the rest of...

7 Impacts of your Divorce on your Worklife

Not only does divorce impact your personal life, your standing in society, it can also have serious repercussions on your...

7 Ways to Manage Office Stress

If you are working, then be you will suffer from work-related stress time to time. Below are seven sure shot...

7 Reasons why a startup Founder needs Counseling

In my private practice I have had the opportunity of meeting and counseling many startup founders. Some of them have...

Pets Leads To Happiness

Keep a pet, if you already own a pet spend time with it! Owning a pet, especially a dog is...

7 Impacts of Divorce on Children

In certain marriages divorce is inevitable; hence many times parents continue to linger in an unhealthy marriage for the sake...

7 Signs that you need to meet a Marriage Counselor

In my private practice as a Psychologist and a Marriage Counselor; I find that at times couples will come in...

How to Spice up your Marriage: 7 New ideas

Every marriage young or old tends to become a little stale and boring with time, the reasons generally are the...

7 Reasons Why You Need Pre-Marriage Counselling

I believe that every couple who wishes to get married needs to undergo Pre-Marriage Counselling Below are the top seven...

7 Things You Can Do To Have A Healthy Marriage

Above all, every married couple desires to have a healthy marriage, but don’t know how. Thus, Here are 7 tips...

7 Things they never tell you about Divorce

People tend to throw the “D” word around carelessly; young couples, midlife, as well as older couples rapidly give divorce...

Never Under Estimate the Power of a Smile to Make you Happy

Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.”  ― John Lennon Psychologist Robert Zajnoc has...

7 Ways to make your child go to School Happily

Every parent dreads the school morning tantrums, the fake stomach ache, the unhappiness, the tears and the desire of the child...

7 Reasons Why your child needs a Pet

Parents frequently shy away from getting a pet, especially a dog for their child. Thus, here are the 7 reasons...

7 Tips to Make your Child a Better Learner

An important thing to remember is the difference between a good learner and a good student. A good student will...

So you have a Shy Child?

Children get labelled as being shy, as you understand the term and what it means, there is nothing wrong with...

Watch out for these warning signals of mental illness in Children

These are a few of the signs that a child may have a psychological condition / mental health concern: Unexplained weight...

What are the ways of Treating Mental Illness in Children?

There are two common ways of treating mental health conditions in children: Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy, also frequently known as talk therapy...

Can Mental Health issues affect Children?

Not surprisingly, children can be affected by all the mental health conditions that adults are affected by. Thus, the only...

7 Rules of Raising Healthy Children

Every parent’s desire is to raise children who grow up to be healthy, loving, and confident adults. The right seeds...

Smells lead to Happiness!

  Never estimate the power of smell to make you happy. That bottle of perfume or cologne that you are...

Divorce Counselling

Divorce Counselling “When I let go of what I am, I  become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu  ...

Meditate yourself to Happiness!

Mindfulness or meditation is one of the easiest ways of embarking successfully on your journey to happiness. Meditation is so...

Chanting For Happiness!

Chanting for Happiness? There is a magical importance to chanting or reciting a Hindu mantra 108 times. There are various...

The positive effects of exercise and lead to Happiness!

Get up and exercise, depending upon your level of fitness start to exercise.  I am not advising you to start...

The Psychological Benefits of being Patriotic!

As India celebrates it’s Republic Day on January 26, there is a feeling of joy and happiness in the air...

The Psychological Benefits of Exercise

Psychological Benefits of Exercise is the value of exercise on the body is well known, you can lose weight, or...

A Coffee A Day Keeps Mental Problems Away!

Coffee Keeps Mental Problems Away. Whoever said that coffee is not good for you was completely wrong. Coffee is a...

The 5 Golden rules of Good listening

A lot of people may hear you, but there would be few who would listen. The hearing is kind of...

Diagnosing Depression before it starts

Diagnosing Depression First of all, there are exams and tests which can help rule out other problems that could be causing...

5 Golden rules of good talking and listening

The 5 golden rules of good talking are: Convey messages in a clear and effective manner: This should go without saying...

7 things people regret before they die

Inevitably every living being will die; and when humans are in the sunset of their life, and sitting on their death...

Lack of Sleep Leads to Depression!

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right...